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How I Got Here

Father’s Day Ideas

Father’s Day Ideas

The Father’s Day stall is currently underway at our school and it got me thinking about how we are going to celebrate my husband on Sunday. It’s a little bit different at our house this year as my mum is staying with us and she needs a lot of care, so we won’t be going anywhere, but I am trying to think of other ways we can celebrate him. It’s a work in progress, but here is a rough outline for the day…

We will start off with breakfast. My hubby is the pancake maker, well, crepes actually, but I think the kids and I will take over the crepe making, and let him have a lie in. That should be fun (and probably take twice as long). I’m pretty sure I won’t be able to keep my cool in the kitchen quite like Chilli Heeler from Bluey - that woman is a saint, but I’ll do my best! 

Opening presents. All the handmade goodies from Kinder and School will be presented with big smiles and excited faces. The thoughtfully purchased stall gifts will then follow (no doubt our boys will be hoping that some of these presents will come their way in future - like the mini desk dart board, or the aircraft model kit)!

Video games might follow. My husband works a lot.  He runs his own business, helps me run mine, is President of the Junior Soccer Club, and is a hands on dad, so it is very rare that he just sits on the couch. I think a well earned session of ‘spacies’ is just what the doctor ordered, and the kids can join in, so that’s a win-win!

A bit of time to himself. Once he has had his fill of video games and loud noises, I’ll book him in for a ‘float’. He loves going in those sensory deprivation tanks, so that will be an hour to himself with no jobs to do, no phone calls, no emails, no talking, no solving problems - just silence (which sounds like bliss to me too). 

Walk the dog. I would have suggested a bit of shopping here, but he hates shopping, so I think taking the dog along the beach is a better idea. We try to take advantage of how close we are to the beach as much as possible (even in winter), and with the weather looking beautiful for Sunday, it seems like the perfect plan.

His favourite takeaway. My husband is an excellent cook and usually ends up cooking on the weekend, so a well earned takeaway might be in order. I think the real gift will be that he gets to choose the cuisine and the kids are not allowed to whinge about it!  We have a really great selection in our area, so Korean BBQ is probably high up on the list, or perhaps Mexican - either way, I don’t have to cook it and it sounds delicious! 

Family movie night. Getting snuggled up under a Little Dozer Co blanket and watching a movie together for a perfect end to the day.

Well, I don’t know about you, but that all sounds pretty perfect to me! I might have to look back on this blog when Mother’s Day comes around.

 A big squeezy hug to you all,


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